Emily Filmer: Why I'm travelling Australia to show students a different face of science

"I want to show people, especially young students, that science isn’t a far-off concept on a pedestal. It isn’t meant to be confined to the lab or to those who grew up in certain households, but instead belongs to everyone."

In Education” Today, University of Adelaide researcher Emily Filmer discusses why she travelled across Australia in the QDM Road Trip to show rural and remote students to show students the true face of STEM.

Emily was among researhers who travelled across Australia in 2022, and took part in the Victorian leg of the road trip again this year.

The road trip aims to introduce rural and remote Australians to the excitement of cutting edge science and to inspire a new, more diverse generation of scientists.

“Hopefully, in the future, having seen women and diverse scientists deliver presentations about their jobs and the potential of a science career, at least some of these students will be inspired to forge a career in STEM, and even in particle physics, where I have experienced such exciting challenges and opportunities.”

The event is currently in Queensland until August 25.

Read the article on Education Today