Geoff Taylor appointed to SAC at KEK, Japan

Centre Chief Investigator Geoff Taylor has been appointed Chair of the Science Advisory Committee at the Japanese High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK.

The Scientific Advisory Committee at KEK focuses on the progress and outlook of the overall research program of KEK, including  high energy physics, nuclear physics, material sciences and life sciences.

Professor Taylor said he was pleased to be able to extend his relationship with the KEK organisation.

“I have been an active participant in Belle at KEK since 1999, and now Belle II.

Towards future facilities, Professor Taylor has been actively supporting the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC) through membership and chairing roles of ICFA (International Committee for Future Accelerators) and ACFA (Asia Committee for Future Accelerators).

Most recently this includes being the Asia region representative on the ILC International Development Team (IDT) executive committee.

“The invitation to Chair the KEK-SAC came as a surprise, but I am very happy to be able to deepen our already strong links with KEK,” he said.